Web 3.0 is the next generation of the internet. It has integrated many developments such as NFTs (non-fungible token), Blockchain, and DeFi (Decentralised finance), but in web 3.0, users will have more control – no one can utilise your information without your consent.
How search engines work in web 3.0
Web 3.0 uses indexing parameters that extract data from various Internet networks, meaning information is decentralised. Unlike the community-based Web 2.0 search engine, Web 3.0 is more individual-based with its search engines featuring a public database with open access for everyone.
Web 3.0 uses the following key properties:
- Artificial intelligence: AI will be used in every walk of life to carry out computational tasks humans cannot complete. It will also make decisions for us, whether in driverless cars or in our digital marketing strategies.
- Virtual and augmented reality: Brands are using these technologies to provide an entirely new way of connecting far beyond what a static screen can provide.
- The semantic web: By understanding each individual’s data, technology companies can gain insight into context. This has been a significant push for Google for some time, particularly with the respective launches of Hummingbird and RankBrain. The aim is to go beyond the dictionary definition of each word and actually comprehend what consumers are using phrases to mean at that moment.
- Internet of things: A true defining feature of Web 3.0 is the proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) ‘smart’ devices. Examples such as Amazon Echo are well-known, but there are plans to add Internet connectivity to every aspect of our lives.
- Seamless connectivity: Data has been stored in various formats, and communication between data sets can be challenging. Web 3.0 comes into its own when data exchanges are seamless and ubiquitous.
How will Web 3.0 change search?
When it comes to information, we still don’t have it quite right. For example, consider when you’re thinking of buying a new electronic device. Instead of going directly to the deal, you’ll conduct multiple searches in different places and read reviews, talk to people who have used the product before via social media, and so on. And that’s just for one product!
Web 3.0 will take this even further. Instead of conducting multiple searches in different places, one prompt would be sufficient to pull together all the relevant information from across different databases and organise it based on your query and provide the best options in one interface.
How will Web 3.0 affect search marketing?
With the rise of voice-based digital assistants, the way people search is changing.
Search marketers need to keep up. The first step is to ensure that all content is clearly labelled for search engines. Schema mark-ups remain just as vital as they have been for the past few years.
The core objective when we create new content should be to facilitate its serving to users, no matter where they are or which device they are using. Keyword targeting still matters, but we must maintain a more nuanced idea of what our consumers mean when they type something into Google or Bing.
What do search marketers need to know about web 3.0?
- Web 3.0 is here, and it’s changing how you search for information online. What does this mean for us? If you’re a search marketer, it means that you need to be creating the right digital assets for your consumers and ensuring that any search engine can locate and serve them seamlessly.
- Web 3.0 will change how people search, search engines process their queries, and display results. These changes have been in process for years now, but they are starting to have tangible impacts on how we find information online.
- This is driven by improvements in how search engines understand the meaning of queries by harnessing huge amounts of unstructured data and transforming it into something structured and significant.
- Web 3.0 will also bring with it a new way of creating digital assets—the old ideas of creating a static website will be replaced by hyper-personalised experiences that vary in their messaging and their media formats.
- AI-powered digital assistants are starting to usher in new behaviours. Search marketers should focus on creating the right digital assets for their consumers and ensuring that any search engine can locate and serve this content as seamlessly as possible!
For more information on how you can prepare for the arrival of Web 3.0 contact us today.